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Whoa! Update is crazy! Thank you so much for this plugin :D

Thanks! In the next shader update, lighting might be added, and a lot of things will be reworked again, but that’s way off in the future :


where i can see material index

In the 'irrEdit - Irrlicht Properties' tab, you can find material properties of your node such as material index, material type, z-buffer, and many other material parameters.


I love you Sam Grady

Love you too, man)))


Excellent, thanks!



Absolutely insane thing! A love it!

It still needs some work, but thanks)


This looks sick! Can't wait to try this one out. Great Job as always friend πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸ» πŸ‘πŸ»


I highly disagree

Thanks, man. I hope one day I'll see this shader in one of your games.